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Map of the European Union showing the locations of
 the partner institutes: Simula in Norway; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Zuse Institute Berlin,
 and MEGWARE in Germany; Université de Bordeaux, Inria, and University of Strasbourg in France;
 Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland; Numericor in Austria; Università di Pavia and
 OROBIX in Italy

LinkedIn: @project MICROCARD

Twitter: @P_Microcard

Latest news

13 September: Interview with Fatemeh Chegini

Latest in a series of interviews with young MICROCARD members, our interview with Fatemeh Chegini was posted on LinkedIn today.

more news


15 to 19 July

46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in Orlando, Florida, USA

Friday 19 July

10:00 WP2+6 meeting

Monday 22 July

15:30 WP1 meeting

Friday 26 July

14:00 WP7 meeting

full agenda

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