
This page describes the partners in the MICROCARD project, which ran from April 2021 to September 2024. In the MICROCARD Centre of Excellence, starting on 1 November 2024, TU Munich and the University of Trento joined us, while Orobix and USI will no longer take part.

Map of the European Union showing the locations of
 the partner institutes: Simula in Norway; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Zuse Institute Berlin,
 and MEGWARE in Germany; Université de Bordeaux, Inria, and University of Strasbourg in France;
 Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland; Numericor in Austria; Università di Pavia and
 OROBIX in Italy

LinkedIn: @project MICROCARD

Twitter: @P_Microcard

Latest news

18 December 2024: Thesis defense Edoardo Centofanti

Edoardo Centofanti defended his thesis "Efficient Solvers and Machine Learning Approaches in Cardiac Electrophysiology on High-Performance Computing Architectures" and is now a doctor at the Università degli studi di Pavia.

MICROCARD restarted in November 2024

The MICROCARD project ended on 30 September but MICROCARD was reborn as a Centre of Excellence on 1 November 2024. It is funded by EuroHPC call HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-COE-03.

25 September 2024: Thesis defense Arun Thangamani

Arun Thangamani successfully defended his thesis "Optimized Code Generation of Parallel and Polyhedral Loop Nests using MLIR" at the University of Strasbourg. This is the first thesis supported completely by the MICROCARD project.

more news


20-22 January 2025

HiPEAC meeting in Barcelona

Monday 27 January

14:00 monthly WP6+7 meeting

16:00 monthly WP4 meeting

Friday 31 January

14:00 monthly WP1 plenary meeting

Thursday 6 February 2025

16:00 MICROCARD-2 Executive Board meeting

Friday 14 February

14:00 monthly WP1 technical meeting

full agenda

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