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July 2024

Wednesday 3, 11:00 WP3 meeting
Thursday 4, 16:00 Executive Board meeting
15 to 19 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in Orlando, Florida, USA
21 to 26 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2024), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
30 Jul-1 Aug 19th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Friday 19, 10:00 WP2+6 meeting
Monday 22, 15:30 WP1 meeting
Friday 26, 14:00 WP7 meeting

August 2024

Friday 23, 14:00 WP7 meeting
Monday 26, 15:30 WP1 meeting
26-30 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-PAR) in Madrid, Spain
Thursday 29, 16:00 Executive Board meeting (for August and September)
30 Aug - 2 Sep European Society of Cardiology meeting in London

September 2024

Wednesday 4, 11:00 WP3 meeting
4-6 Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) meeting in Stuttgart
8-11 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) meeting in Karlsruhe
12-14 Final MICROCARD workshop and Cardiac Physiome meeting in Freiburg im Breisgau
Friday 20, 10:00 WP2+6 meeting
Friday 20, 14:00 WP7 meeting
Monday 23, 15:30 WP1 meeting
Monday 30 End of the project (but not the end of MICROCARD...)

November 2024

11-13 openCARP user meeting in Graz, Austria
Thursday 28 Final review meeting of the MICROCARD project in Luxembourg

LinkedIn: @project MICROCARD

Twitter: @P_Microcard

Latest news

25 September 2024: Thesis defense Arun Thangamani

Arun Thangamani successfully defended his thesis "Optimized Code Generation of Parallel and Polyhedral Loop Nests using MLIR" at the University of Strasbourg. This is the first thesis supported completely by the MICROCARD project.

September 2024: Three meetings in southern Germany

MICROCARD members participated in three consecutive cardiac physiology/computing meetings that took place in southern Germany.

4-6 September: the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) meeting in Stuttgart.

8-11 September: the Computing in Cardiology (CinC) meeting in Karlsruhe.

12-14 September: the Cardiac Physiome combined with the final MICROCARD workshop in Freiburg.

Together these meetings saw over two dozen MICROCARD contributions, an appropriate goodbye to the project which formally ends on 30 September.


Our proposal for MICROCARD to continue as a "Center of Excellence" leads the ranking for the call HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2023-COE-03 and is now in the negotiation stage. The exact starting date is not known yet.

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